

Shiribeshi Area, Central Hokkaido
北海道中央部 後志地方

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Traditional fire-walking ritual to pray for a good catch of fish

Shinto ritual held annually in July and September in the town of Kodaira, Hokkaido. The ritual, also known as ‘Tengu no hiwatari’ (Tengu fire-walking), is dedicated to a god named Sarutahiko, who appears in the Chronicles of Japan (Kojiki and Nihonshoki). The rituals include the Yoimiya Festival, the maritime procession, the land procession and the portable shrine procession, and the Tengu fire-walking is the final part of the ritual.

A lion dance, a portable shrine carrying the sacred body and a tengu (Sarutahiko god) dressed in a red cloth walk through the blazing fire. The fire is a symbol of spirituality and purification, and the crossing through the fire is intended to purify sins and impurities, to escape misfortune and to welcome the new year in a clean and fresh manner.

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